Cora Polson, Student Experience Navigator for NMMC, toured the group through the Cardiac Cath Lab where they got to see a procedure taking place.  The students were also able to view blood clots that had been removed during the procedure.  During the Radiology Department tour, students learned about MRIs, CT scans, x-rays, swallow studies, ultrasound, and nuclear medicine.  They viewed several procedures taking place and learned about the importance of safety during these procedures.
Any student ages 16 and up wishing to do job shadowing at NMMC can fill out the paperwork and submit required documents to Mrs. Polson to shadow up to 12 hours.  The information can be found at: https://www.nmhs.net/careers/youth-education/
Thank you to NMMC and Mrs. Polson for making this special opportunity available to students during their Fall Break. 
(Students are: Kamia Hamilton, Shelby Tigner, Joryie McKnight, Emily Stone and Kyla Mayes)